Beatrice Gobbo
Assegnista post-doc
Her work and academic interests are positioned at the intersection between information design and computer science. Indeed, with her PhD thesis “Embalming and Dissecting AI. Visual Explanations for the General Public” she described a mixed methodology for approaching the Explainable Artificial Intelligence issue from a communication design perspective. Moreover, from 2019 she is also focused on teaching data visualization to students from different background.
Progetti di ricerca
Atlante Italo Calvino. Letteratura e visualizzazione
Algocount. Public Perception of Algorithms in Society. Accounting for the Algorithmic Public Opinion
Bìos. Sistema Design Italia per ADI Design Museum
PlacPlac. Format digitale di disseminazione scientifica per risultati di datasprint
Mappare le Nature-based solutions per indagare sul greenwashing aziendale